About the Umckaloabo Foundation
With your help, we want to MAKE MORE POSSIBLE together. For children and young people in southern Africa.
Our goals
We want to create places where young people can find a sense of orientation and offer them a healthy future. This includes helping them grow up in a safe environment and feel at home. And offering them good schooling is just as important when it comes to creating future perspectives for themselves.
We want to make a sustainable difference. In our work, we apply the principle of helping people to help themselves. This means that we convey knowledge and abilities and encourage young people to accept responsibility for themselves and others.
We help promote both the academic and the personal development of these children and adolescents. Teenagers can only make their way out of poverty and overcome a lack of future prospects by having a proper education and becoming self-confident and active.

Who supports the Umckaloabo Foundation?
The Umckaloabo Foundation is supported by the Schwabe Group.
The family-run business has been active in a variety of social projects in southern Africa for many years now. With the Foundation, we have created a platform which allows us to continue to expand our commitments and streamline our activities.
Board of trustees
The board of trustees of Umckaloabo Foundation is led by Olaf Schwabe, Uwe Bothur und Dr. Traugott Ullrich.

Olaf Schwabe
represents the fifth generation of Dr. Willmar Schwabe’s family. He can look back on a long family tradition that has always been defined by both intercultural thinking as well as taking social responsibility. Dr. Willmar Schwabe himself — the company founder and great-great grandfather of Olaf Schwabe — helped support sanitoriums for the elderly and infirm from the late 19th century onward.
“As a family-owned business, we accept corporate social responsibility. In places where family structures are lacking, we want to help children and young people develop meaningful prospects for themselves. The Umckaloabo Foundation serves as a dependable and effective platform in this regard.”

Uwe Bothur
has many years of experience of managing foundations, corporate social responsibility and development aid work, especially in southern Africa. He has overseen numerous social projects and helped them become sustainable and effective structures. He has been an active volunteer in the German Scouts organization of St. George (DPSG) since 1982. His main priority has been working with disadvantaged children and young people to help them develop perspectives for a brighter future. He is personally involved in the charitable organization Nangu Thina, where he has been active since 1995. Nangu Thina focuses on projects to support children and adolescents in southern Africa. In 2006 Uwe Bothur was awarded the German Federal Cross of Merit for his work.
“I am grateful the Umckaloabo Foundation exists: it supports works which allows young people in southern Africa to have a self-sufficient life and a healthy future.”

Dr. Traugott Ullrich
is a physician, economist and the general manager of Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG, which distributes Umckaloabo® in Germany. Dr. Ullrich has often traveled to southern Africa and grown familiar with the botanical diversity of this region as well as the specific needs of many who live there.
“Our raw materials for Umckaloabo® come from southern Africa. That alone is a reason why we feel a strong tie to the people from this part of the world. The Umckaloabo Foundation is intended as our contribution to helping children and young people in one of the world’s poorest regions achieve a healthy and self-sufficient future. This is an issue of great concern to me, both personally and as a physician.”
Our partners
In its projects, the Umckaloabo Foundation joins forces with competent partner organizations. They understand the structures on site, have networks in regions we cannot easily reach, and are highly motivated to help successfully. This helps us make sure that the projects have a solid basis so that we are not simply handing over resources but ensuring that our commitment makes an effective and lasting difference in people’s lives.
Especially the organizations
• Nangu Thina
• Scouting Mpumalanga
• Samara Foundation
are active on site for us as our committed partners. They work towards the projects with a great deal of personal dedication and make sure that the support of the Umckaloabo Foundation creates long-term improvements. After all, we don’t just want to make a short-term difference. We want to offer young people a dependable positive perspective for their future, because they are the pillars and representatives of tomorrow’s society.

Nangu Thina
Nangu Thina is a charitable organization which has existed for many years; its volunteers help children and young people in southern Africa so they can help themselves. The focus is on learning from one another and conveying knowledge — including on an intercultural level.
Nangu Thina promotes and coordinates projects which help young people further develop the abilities they need to live independently, ease their poverty, and strengthen the partnerships between countries in southern Africa and Europe.
Nangu Thina has been active in the southern African region for many years. Thanks to its solid knowledge of local structures and South African culture, the organization understands the lives and needs of the regional population and knows how our help can be put to greatest use.

Samara Foundation
The Samara Foundation is a charitable organization active in the Eastern Cape, one of the poorest parts of South Africa. In this very impoverished region, parents often have to leave their families to find work in cities.
As a result, the Foundation is currently focusing its attention on early childhood development (ECD) centers, i.e. nursery schools and day cares. Children find a second home here and receive loving guidance and support. Samara also organizes and finances training and continuing education programs for the child minders.
In doing so, Samara opens up doors for both the ECDs and the child minders themselves. They can pursue professional qualifications and generate a steady income for themselves.

Scouting Mpumalanga
Scouting Mpumalanga is the province’s scouting organization and is part of the national scouting association of South Africa. It works in close collaboration with Nangu Thina.
As our partner organization on site, it plays a major part in assisting young adults. In this region, there are many parents who cannot take care of their children properly due to factors such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria. In other families, parents often leave the region for larger cities, and the grandmothers who are left to raise the children can be overwhelmed.
This makes the Scouts feel like a second home and a safe space for children and adolescents who grow up in such circumstances. Here they learn the Scouts’ guiding principles such as accepting responsibility for one another, taking care of each other, and taking independent action. Teenagers also learn practical skills as well as knowledge about issues such as health topics.

Your sponsorship allows a child in need to attend school.

100% of your contributions goes to the projects.

Stay on top of things – read here to learn all about our projects.