Supporting education in Masifunde
Masifunde means “Let us learn.” The work done by Masifunde in Walmer Township supports the education of young people in the greatest need: children who have lost their parents (often to HIV/AIDS) and are forced at an early age to contribute to their (foster) family’s finances; school dropouts, which total 85% of all students in this unstable school system; and the young unemployed who have no perspective on the job market without a high-school degree or vocational education.
Students often attend overflowing schools and have practically no individual opportunities, but at Masifunde they will find educational, extracurricular and informal kinds of schooling. And amidst everything else, the objective is also to communicate positive values.

Masifunde wants to combat poverty with education. Social workers provide support when there are problems in the family environment. Tutoring individual students or groups of children helps keep them from dropping out of school. Acting courses, chorus and art classes all promote individual talent and strengthen students’ self-confidence. Those who have dropped out are given a second chance and can learn a trade. A Montessori kindergarten was recently opened.

The Umckaloabo Foundation supports Masifunde in turning young people in South Africa into change makers: people who can transform something in our society.

We promote the academic and personal development of children and young people.

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