Junge Pfadfinder in einer Reihe

Scouts in Malawi - The best of both worlds

The successful role model from South Africa and the people of Malawi — the best of both worlds coming together to create Scouts Malawi!

In the Mzuzu and Karonga dioceses in Malawi, Scout troops were to be created so young people could have a place where they could find security, a sense of orientation and often even a home -- in keeping with the Scouts’ work in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

The first Scouts have taken part in workshops and seminars to become team leaders and are currently planting new Scout groups. They want to give young people in Malawi the opportunity to become active members of society, to experience personal growth, to learn life skills and to grow into self-confident, independent and empathic people within a community.

Scouts beim Workshop unter einem Baum

Learning from experienced Scouts

Scout infrastructure has been undergoing development in Karonga since late 2019. In Mzuzu the groups and structures were created in the course of the year 2021. Experienced Scouts from Mpumalanga accompany the groups for several months as they become established. Consequently, children in Malawi can have the opportunity to grow up in a Scout community.

The Umckaloabo Foundation and Nangu Thina both support the expansion of the Scouts program in Malawi with €10,000 each.

The Scouts and health education

Every year, the Scouts — in Malawi, South Africa and elsewhere — pay special attention to a particular infectious disease as part of their health curriculum. Throughout the year they deal with the selected topic in workshops or seminars, acquire knowledge and share it with their communities and villages. As a result, the entire community benefits from these projects. One particularly interesting and impactful approach is working with peer groups, where knowledge is transferred among people of the same age, and young people can exchange their thoughts. 

Health projects

Ein Mädchen wäscht sich die Hände in einer Schüssel

Each year, special attention is given to a health-related topic. It is discussed in workshops and disseminated in a communication campaign.

Around the world, Scouts acquire useful knowledge about health issues in their groups and spread it far and wide throughout their country via multipliers and other Scout troops. This is very effective and relative health protection, especially when there is an infectious disease circulating!

The tradition of health-related projects

The health projects of recent years concentrated on the topics of AIDS / HIV, diarrheal diseases and malaria. As the Scouts complete workshops, they receive a certificate and a badge – a true sign of pride for Scouts. A confirmation of their dedication. And a sign of the appreciation the Scouts show each other!

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Vier kleine Kinder nebeneinander


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Small children holding letters of Thank You


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